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Added Jul 8, 2005


Fragmented Thoughts at Random

by Andre van der Kerkhoff

The greatness of a nation doesn't rise from fleeting sporting glories, but by it's ability to recognize past wrongs.

Righteousness used for propaganda becomes a dangerous tool and should be condemned regardless of who uses it for their cause.

I say it is time to expand the Ten Commandments to eleven and proclaim:
"Thou shall not rape my children."

You can build walls as high as your guilt, but their height can't protect you from your shame.

Who would have thought that the colonisers would become the colonised?

Isn't it easy to use evil to incite the passions of our righteousness, especially if it is committed by others and not us.

I say to those who choose silence over condemnation when faced by evil, that no Hail Mary may absolve you of your complicity.

Leaders who can't show mercy towards the condemned shouldn't lead nations, as their lack of compassion might lead to inhumanity.

Just plough Jerusalem beneath its blood soaked soil and from its field's peace may grow.

Walls conceived to divide people from each other are never lasting monuments to man's bigotry.

The human experience should classify " God bless America. " as an irony.

How can we expect equality, when every social doctrine points towards the glory of being first?

The status quo of today will be the upheaval of tomorrow.

Oligarchy awaits man of no convictions.

I say to those who place profit before the common good, that the pro-clamation, “let them eat cake”, cost Marie Antoinette her noble head.

Men without rudder will annihilate empires.

Show me a man who says that he never had a racist thought in his life and I’ll show you a liar.

In the age of virtuality, gadgets replace spirituality.

In today’s ambiguity the truth is bilingual.

Man carries the ill of racism as stigma to his intelligence.

The Jewish tragedy is simply a paradox between faith and reality.

Man's possibilities lie between E = m square and the furnaces of Auschwitz.

Only mediocre men have to hide behind ideologies, strong men create their own.

Sadly most men choose trivia over substance.

Man is not good nor evil but fallible.

Instead of wisdom and knowledge man directs television to numb the people into social impotence.

Only a fool might value progress when comparing the thoughts of Voltaire with those of Jerry Springer.

Man’s curse of good and evil lies simply in his ability to conceive and believe in an abstract thought.

If God is worth dying for, life must have been on sale.

Man’s demise will originate within his vainglory.

Where everything has a beginning and an end, endless is as abstract as silence in an ever-reverberating universe.

Sex is the Alpha and the Omega of Life.

One’s self is encased by the nutshell of ones ego.

Intimacy comes only after ones complete self-surrender.

I can’t help but think that, if there were a God, he must be an anti-Semite.

Wrong is wrong is wrong, whoever the perpetrator.

When it comes to persistence and self-belief Semites are the champions.

Self-importance and bigotry are elementary to tyranny.

Those who believe that they are the chosen one’s have been chosen more often then they would wish to care.

An assassination is a coward’s way to have the last word.

I wish the Jewish intelligentsia wouldn't brand every non-Jewish criticism with an anti-Semitic label.

To kill to kill to kill is always murder.

Suicide bombers are victims of three enemies.

Who can claim innocence, when confronted by history?

How long can the perpetuity of one generation stealing from the next, last?

The cruelty lies in planet Earth’s inability to accommodate six billion educated spirits.

It’s paradoxical that education is a link in man's dissatisfaction.

Education frees man from slavery, but shackles him to money.

Only visionaries can see beyond their own field of vision and expand our horizon.

Only those stricken with despair may see patience as a virtue.

Art is an anthropological essay to solve the reason for being.

Art can be a line from A to B, but also just a single dot.

Life itself is art - the art to exist against all odds.

In mans’ indifference towards his fellow beings lies the essence of inhumanity.

Only man could have come up with an idea as bizarre as money.

A man of virtue must find society alien.

In almost all of us a tyrant lies dormant, waiting for his cue.

Tyranny is a virus for which only time stands as a cure.

Sport is mock war.

Sport and Art: While sport seeks to be the potassium bromide for the proletariat, art aims relentlessly for revolution.

It is difficult to find an original thought in the shadows of Shakespeare and Aristotle.

“There can't be silence after a Big Bang”.

It's ironic that the church condemns abortion, yet blesses soldiers for the slaughter.

The seed for greed grows deep in our need to heed to our ego.

Shopping trolleys are the hyenas of greed.

Life’s road isn't straight and narrow, but ever changing.

Christianity has to carry the burden of the Holocaust.

The silence of churches stoked the furnaces of inhumanity.

Freedom that has been built on slavery can only be American.

The land of the free is only anyone’s savior, if one is part of its ego.

Isn't it a paradox that those who want to sit in judgment over others don’t want to be judged?

Nuremberg was just, but with every new burning cross it’s validity became an American satire.

Man’s patience can end in volatility.

Maybe the passion in enlisting men would be less exuberant, if they would possess the wisdom, which they will have acquired by armistice.

Love can only be seen when lost or found in tears.

Australia has fought in so many unnecessary wars, yet it hasn't yet fought it’s most important of all – “The war of independence”.

The scarcity of white Australian history is the Freudian umbilical cord to Mother England.

When priests abuse innocence without fearing God’s wrath for their earthly lust, Christianity lies naked of all divinity.

I never forgave Mao Tse-Tung for his recognition of Pinochet’s Chile – It stunk of Guano.

Guano opened my political eyes - I just saw shit.

In politics shit has always taken precedence over doctrinal integrity.

The Right wouldn't mind Pinochetorial insights - Refugees might vanish forever-ever in never-never.

As long as the chosen one's don’t choose to break the bread in half, their history will always be written in blood.

The theological dignity of difference is to anyone who died on a religious battlefield an oxymoron.

Soon the unjust deeds of Israel will expunge the guilt of the Holocaust.

Like the Roman Empire the Western World will be swallowed up by much hungrier nations.

Only if we are prepared to sacrifice half of our wealth to feed those who see our world as their salvation might we be able to hold onto our land.

Remember always that the face of a refugee could be one day yours.

Why do we judge life's success by its worldly wealth and not it’s spiritual one.

Generosity is only genuine, if it can’t be tax deducted.

We only need God, because we can’t grasp the meaning of nothing.

If the human spirit could rationalize endless into mathematics, God might stand after the equation.

I say - capitalism is dead - long live the mutual fundism.

The political fabric of the Western World is turning beige and heading towards black and brown.

Most wars are wars about righteousness, but only a very few are right.

As human beings we all share the same needs, fears and ambitions, yet we harbor racism in our souls.

Out for food, love and shelter, man created a world in excess.

Crossroads are choices that may lead to opposed realities.

Mans’ belief in his singular importance creates the being nature has to fear.

God have mercy on an educated man, as he just has complicated the essence of life.

What a pity that the aged mind hasn’t a body of youth as a vessel - then maybe that is nature’s way to ensure revolution within evolution.

Why do prophets need miracles for their justification of being?

An atheist’s worst nightmare consists of being shipwrecked on a deserted island with an ultra orthodox existentialist.

Today our dreams evolve around share portfolios and red Ferraris, yester-day we dreamed of liberty and democracy, whilst our prehistoric ancestor wished just for the mammoth to appear, just what will our great grand-children dream of - A blue planet?

Half an education is worse than no education at all.

The inhospitability of other worlds should be man’s dogma for the preser-vation of his remaining Eden.

Between parasitic liberalism and parasitic socialism one’s choice is grim.

War is conceived by few, but endured by many.

How satisfying life could be, if man’s daily search for utopia could be replaced by just a kind thought.

If the Jewish psyche believes that it’s identity lies in the ashes of Auschwitz, then the nation of Israel will always be a nation of victims.

What will happen to the want society, when there is nothing more to be had?

Further the bourgeoisie leans towards an “Us and Them", closer my affinity lies with the underdog.

Fragmentation of substance can lead to trivia in choice.

Love and expertise are inherent to cure.

If there is a sense of reality, there must also be a sense of possibility.

A friend is as rare as two pearls in one oyster.

Beware of friendship that is generic.

I am afraid for the future, because yesterday and today are the yardsticks by which we will live tomorrow.

Maybe America's obsession with youth lies in it’s still historic adolescence.

Knowledge is the E - m square of man’s curiosity.

Man's ultimate aim for knowledge is God.

Knowledge is like a Russian doll only without it’s outer coat.

The citizen’s opinion is mostly composed of envy and fear.

Present handshakes have depreciated from their past value.

Only the dead are delivered from prejudice.

Prejudice cloaks humanity’s potential.

Skepticism of men without opinion unleashes bigotry.

Memory and hope seem best - reality worst.

Prophets predict changes; Messiahs revolutionize doctrines.

Good and Evil are inherent notions of the human intellect, and only life and genetics will determine which of the two might dominate the existence.

Good and Evil are perplex anthropological concepts; in as much as their in-terpretation varies by and large on societal values whose moral perimeters might be sins apart.

In the age of exploitation philanthropy seems less and less genuine, especially if the motivation of the philanthropist lies in his self-promotion.

It’s a pity that religion got hold of God.

The Big Bang is our birth, therefore the uterus belongs to God, and God is female.

God is man’s bath plug of angst.

Religion and sexuality are the oil and water of morality.

Greater man’s knowledge, abstracter his belief.

Churches are poison to faith.

The seeds of carnal lust flourish in man’s moral pretence.

Priests are only men and men are capable of anything.

I say to anybody who witnesses evil, that to look away is as repulsive as the deed itself.

I believe in nothing, because everything is just temporary.

Man's history is simply the continuous repetition of past wrongs.

Those who possess power have an exclusive truth over the weak.

When historians exchange invasion for settlement, then the truth has become bilingual.

When politicians explain genocide as evolution, then the truth is being raped.

Truth is only pure, if on the other side of the equation no gain can be found.

Society would fail itself, if it did not question, from time to time, it's leaders' right to lead.

Love lies somewhere in between sex and chocolate.

Commitment can only be true, if it is free.

Man has a gift to transform necessities into nuisances.

Death is just a point where the individual's time ceases.

It’s surreal that man near death has no fear of him, yet fears him to death a whole lifetime away.

Love and death are life’s certainties without a date.

Death is the collision of two realities.

The indifference of the bourgeoisie is politics' fundament.

Man's indifference to the consequences of his actions makes him a pest of nature.

The statue of liberty is pure irony in the face of colored people.

Death is equal to all.

Money is an existential pestilence.

Only a few men have the strength to do without the lure of money.

Money is absurd, as it’s value depends entirely on abstract notions of validity.

A paper note’s value is more abstract than those of a silver coin but the same amount becomes faith when virtual in cyber space.

Only arrogance could have invented money.

Man is perfectly happy to exchange evil for monetary gain.

Money and Evil are intricately tied together, inseparable as Gordius’ knot.

The paradoxical and tragic reality of man is that he only perceives value in things, which are exchangeable for money and he might end up with nothing but an empty world.

Instead of having made the world go round, money will sell it out.

Love is real, when time hasn't ravaged the beauty of your lover in your eyes.

Man just does, without reflecting on tomorrow.

Man’s motto: Now is important – tomorrow might not be.

Man tries to live life as if it was an all you can eat smorgasbord.

Mankind’s indigestion is just around the corner.

Love might be a fleeting thought that you caught in mid air and treasured to this day.

Love can be the feeling of your loins in between innocent gazes.

The experience of Communism throughout the 20th century was nothing more than the brutal rape of an idealistic idea.

From a Darwinian point of view, an egalitarian society would represent a far greater evolutionary leap away from its hierarchical ancestral existence, than any society based on class.

Social Marxism might work in a society in which money and power are non-entities.

It is quite a paradox that Christianity and Socialism have never found a common denominator, although Christ had been the worlds first re-corded socialist.

Man’s psychological characteristics are antipodal opposed to the concept of egalitarianism: man wants more and not less, and certainly he doesn't want to share.

Sadly the principles of Communism will always be correlated to the failed Soviet-Chinese experiments of Gulagian oppression and arduous Cultural Revolution.

Don’t put ideals into human hands, as they will soon tarnish to misery.

Every human has ideals, but only very few are able to experience them as a reality.

Ideals are youth's manna; age survives on pragmatism.

Only a dead idealist can’t betray his ideals.

To be an idealist one has to be first a romantic.

Text messages might rebirth romanticism into cool cyber sentimentalism.

Woomera stands as testimony to our societal egoism and callous political expediency: Shame Australia Fair.

For the youth of today, I fear for tomorrow, as we weren't too exemplifying.

Perceived societal changes are just oscillating facts of expedient political correctness.

In language there isn't a singularity of meaning and one's precision of intent depends solely on one's experience in common.

Youth is life's orgy before taking stock.

While youth flouts its age, age cherishes its memory.

Every stage of life is singular and without return.

I can't imagine life without solitude; it vivifies my imagination.

Solitude by choice is liberating, but a gulag when imposed.

No solitude can be shared.

The present rarely lasts longer than a heartbeat.

To procrastinate is a man's way to enjoy yesterday.

Love can be as simple as a grain of sand or complicated as Ibsen.

Love is the taste of one's lover's lips.

Politics is the art of trickery.

The more I understand man, the more I wish to be alone.

In the age of greed man’s integrity becomes endangered.

God erred by giving Earth to man; Mars would have been a better choice.

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